Tuesday, July 21, 2009

" Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health." This quotation is one of the most popular quotaions about taking care of our health. Having bad vices is bad to our health. It may cause us some diseases like cancer. We must avoid having diseases so that we can live longer and still, do our jobs/ obligations in ouir life without any worries about our health. We must be healthy to feel free to do the things we want to do. But we mus eat nutritious foods, take enough rest and having continuous exercise. to maintain our body healthy. Especially now, we are having different kinds of diseases that may cause our death.


aldrin da best! said...

yeah!ur right!so u need to take care of ur health!peo s akn lng,hwag k ng msyadong kmain ng mrami dhl mtaba k na!ha,ha,ha!JOWK!!!

♥♫..gericka..♫♥ said...

you have a nice composition..

uhmm.. but next time, make your composition longer and bigger..


kristel said...

nice job!!

NoeL said...

.I. .A.G.R.E.E.